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General Considerations

At Nexus Primary Care Clinic we offer a complement of telephone and in person appointments. We kindly ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time in order to facilitate our check-in process. Please only bring what you need, do not bring backpacks, carts, or other large items into the clinic. For in person visits we ask that only the patient presents for the appointment, unless accompanying a child or a support person is needed for medical reasons.

Privacy Policy


This policy outlines how we protect the privacy of your personal information and medical record. Everyone working for this office is required to adhere to the protections described in this policy. If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices, please contact the front staff.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information.

We collect the following personal information:

  • Identification and contact information (name, address, date of birth, emergency contact, etc.).
  • Billing information (provincial plan and/or private insurer).
  • Health information (symptoms, diagnosis, medical history, test results, reports and treatment, record of allergies, prescriptions, etc.).

When and to whom do we disclose personal information?

  • Implied consent for provision of care: By virtue of seeking care from us, your consent is implied (i.e., assumed) for your information to be used by this office to provide you with care, and to share with other providers involved in your care.
  • Disclosure to other health care providers: Relevant health information is shared with other providers involved in your care, including (but not limited to) other Providers and specialists, pharmacists, lab technicians, nutritionists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists.
  • Disclosures authorized by law: There are limited situations where we are legally required to disclose your personal information without your consent. These situations include (but are not limited to) billing provincial health plans, reporting infectious diseases and fitness to drive, or by court order.
  • Disclosures to all other parties: Your consent is required before we will disclose your information to third parties for any purpose other than to provide you with care, or unless we are authorized to do so by law. Examples of disclosures to other parties requiring your express consent include (but are not limited to) third party medical examinations, provision of charts or chart summaries to insurance companies, or enrollment in research studies and trials.

Can you withdraw consent?

  • You can withdraw your consent to have your information shared with other health care providers or other parties at any time, except where the disclosure is authorized by law. However, please discuss this with your Provider or other clinician first.

Patient Rights

How do you access the personal information held by this office?

  • You have the right to access your record in a timely manner. Patient requests for access to their medical records can be made verbally, in writing, directed to their Provider, or directed to any front end staff member.
  • Limitations on access: In extremely limited circumstances you may be denied access to your records, but only if providing access would create a significant risk to you or to another person.

What if you feel your record is not accurate?

  • We make every effort to ensure that all of your information is recorded accurately. If an inaccuracy is identified, you can request that a note be made to reflect this on your file.

Office Safeguards

How long do we keep information?

  • We retain patient records as required by law and professional regulations.

How do we dispose of information when it is no longer required?

  • When information is no longer required, it is destroyed in a secure manner, according to set procedures that govern the storage and destruction of personal information.

Complaints process

If you believe you’ve been mis-treated by this office, or you feel that your medical records have not been handled properly, please address your concerns with your Primary Care Provider first. You may also choose to make a complaint to:

  • BC College of Nursing Professionals
  • Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of BC

Safety Precautions & Policy

We are offering phone and office appointments.

We would appreciate if you follow the rules below:

  • Please arrive on time for your scheduled office appointment. If you arrive late, you may be asked to re-book your appointment.
  • If you are feeling unwell at the time of your office appointment, you may be asked to wear a mask. Patients unwilling to wear a mask may be asked to wait outside.
  • Patients will be asked to use hand sanitizer.
  • Just bring what you need, do not bring backpacks, carts or other items into the clinic.
  • We ask that only the patient arrive for the appointment, unless accompanying a child or someone with disabilities.

COVID 19/Mask & Sickness Policy

Daily we see vulnerable and immunocompromised community members who are at greater risk of getting sick. Please see our revised mask policy as follows:

    • All patients and visitors to the clinic with symptoms of infectious illness will be asked to wear a medical grade mask. If you do not have one, we will provide you with one to wear during your visit.
    • We ask that all patients and visitors use the hand sanitizers available upon entry to the clinic
    • Any staff with symptoms of illness will either work from home or wear a mask
    • If a patient or staff member chooses to wear a mask to protect themselves or vulnerable family members, this will be honored. In these situations, it may be asked that those in close contact in the clinic will also be asked to wear a mask

Violence & Aggression policy

Nexus Primary Care Clinic has a zero-tolerance policy for physical or verbal aggression. Clients of the clinic will be asked to review and agree to our expected behaviors when attending an in clinic or telephone appointment. Should they not agree to the expectations or there is a breach in the patient agreement, their care will be immediately terminated.

Changing Providers Policy

Once you become a patient at Nexus Primary Care Clinic, you will be assigned to one Nurse Practitioner. Having a consistent primary care provider, who knows you well, is known to result in better health outcomes for patients. Here at Nexus, we strive to provide “Team Based Care” which means you may see other team members at times to ensure you get timely access to care.

Our providers are committed to your health and safety. They will engage with you to develop a care plan that is right for you. We do not entertain requests to switch to other Nurse Practitioners. If at any time you feel your safety as a patient has been compromised, please speak to the clinic management in person, or in writing if you feel you cannot come forward to your Nurse Practitioner.

Cancelation Policy

Please provide 24-hours advanced notice for appointment cancellations. Please note that consecutive missed appointments without notice may result in termination of services at Nexus Primary Care Clinic.